Welcome to the Fighting Scots Battalion!!!
Our JROTC program was started on 20 MAY 1985.
Since that time, we have earned the Highest Designation Possible.
When you see one of our Cadets in uniform, take a closer look. You will see a Five-Pointed Yellow Star just above the nameplate.
During the annual JROTC program for accreditation, The Fighting Scots Battalion was named an Honor Unit with Distinction.
Only the top three percent of the programs in Army JROTC. Earn this distinction.
On the morning of the inspection, cadets prepared and practiced, and made last-minute uniform corrections. The chaos turned to absolute silence as word of the approaching inspection team spread.
Inspectors addressed The Fighting Scots Cadets by explaining what was going to happen and expectations for success. The cadet chain of command issued orders, and the inspection was underway.
Areas inspected included: The Battalion staff continuous improvement briefing, a service learning briefing, inspection of Instructors and interview with the Principal and Superintendent, cadet portfolios and knowledge interview, review of the unit report, platoon drill, Color Guard performance, and instructor portfolios and interview. Inspectors spent more than four hours asking questions, reviewing files, checking cadets while comparing operations to regulations.
The cadet's preparation and hard work paid off when the Inspectors briefed the results to the Cadets and Staff.
Inspectors said they were very impressed with the Cadets' knowledge and appearance, and that the briefing cadets presented to the inspectors were exactly what they were looking for. Cadets excelled in all areas of the inspection, receiving 100% in almost all areas. The instructors received maximum points for their portfolios.
At the end of the inspection, the battalion received 97.2 percent, which qualifies the unit as an Honor Unit with Distinction, the highest rating an Army JROTC unit can receive.
The Fighting Scots Cadets will wear the Yellow Star on their uniforms, which designates them as an Honor Unit With Distinction.