Student Services
  • The Student Support Services Department consists of counselors, social workers, nurses, attendance liaisons, and school-based mental health counselors. The purpose of this department, as the name suggests, is to support students in their endeavor to successfully complete their education.  This dedicated group of professionals strives to assist students in removing any barriers to their education, whether they may be academic, social, medical, or emotional.  Each school has access to a nurse, social worker, school counselor, school-based mental health counselor, and attendance liaison.  Please contact your child's school or the Executive Director of Student Support Services if you or your child need any assistance.  We are here to help!


    Barbara Adams, Assistant Superintendent of C&I

    McKinney Vento Liaison & Foster Care POC 

    AB Gibson Educational Center

    322 S. Main Street

    Laurinburg, NC 28352

    910-276-1138 ext. 380


    Jocelyn Ramos, Administrative Assistant

    AB Gibson Educational Center

    322 S. Main Street

    Laurinburg, NC 28352

    910-276-1138 ext. 319

    Chiquita Harrington, Lead School Social Worker 

    McKinney-Vento Coordinator

    Scotland High School

    1000 W. Church Street

    Laurinburg, NC 28352


    Beth Clark, Lead School Counselor

    South Johnson Elementary School


    Nicole Monroe, Lead School Nurse

    AB Gibson Educational Center

    322 S. Main Street

    Laurinburg, NC 28352


    Tina Berrien, Lead School Based Mental Health

    Sycamore Lane Primary School
