  • PowerSchool is a Student Information System management platform used across the state of North Carolina since 2013-2014 and widely across the United States. This online system houses information about students' grades, schedules, contact information, and more. At Scotland County Schools, we use PowerSchool to integrate all of the information important to your child's education in one place in order to provide a seamless experience for students and families.

    The following frequently asked questions are designed to help families become familiar with and use HomeBase Parent Portal.


    Can I access Parent Portal before I register my child at a school?
    No. You must first complete the registration of your child at a school. You must have an Access ID and password for each of your students. The school can provide those to you when you register your child.
    How do I gain access to Parent Portal once my child is registered? 
    Complete this form and return to your child's school. Parent Portal Sign-Up Form

    Can someone else gain access or change my information?
    No. In order to maintain full compliance with the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), all Home Base users are required to access Home Base using their own account. Student data is not accessible by anyone who does not have the authority to do so. Students have access to their own data, and any parent or legal guardian may also request access. If there is a situation where a parent or legal guardian should not receive access to student data, please notify the school immediately. 

    What do I do if I have forgotten/misplaced my user name and/or password?
    Click 'Having trouble signing in' on the login page. You will be asked to enter your username to reset your password. You will need to enter your e-mail address if you have forgotten both your username and your password. Information will be sent to your e-mail address. 

    Will Parent Portal replace the need for parent/teacher conferences?
    No. It is still important to meet with your child’s teachers.

    Does it cost anything to use Parent Portal?
    There is no cost to use Parent Portal, but you will need a computer or cell phone with Internet access. 

    Can I change my personal and contact information online?
    No, information must be given to the school registrar.

    What do I do if information on Parent Portal is incorrect?
    Contact your child’s school to discuss information you believe is inaccurate. Teachers should be the first contact for grading concerns.

    What is the web address for the Parent Portal? 
    Is there a PowerSchool Mobile App? 
    Yes. It is available for parents and students to download for free as a combined parent and student app from the App Store for the iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch®, and as separate PowerSchool apps for parents and students on Google Play for Android devices. Follow the link to learn more. PowerSchool Parent Portal Mobile App Information
    What is Scotland County School's 4 digit district code? 

    Is there a tutorial available on how to use the Parent Portal?